You ve disconnected too ... It is maybe natural. We've both ... finally understood... that from the connection we have together ... nothing good is coming anymore ... " romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Is difficult to accept the end of a relationship.

But ... sometimes ... we like it or not's also a must to say ... stop.


Accept all as an experience of life.

And ... continue ... the journey ....

... whatever that means.

The only problem is that we don't really know ... when this moment comes ... or better said ... even if all becomes extremely obvious ... we pretend is not really the time ... for breaking up.

So ... my question is ... how do we really know we have the clear evidence that the time for totally disconnecting had come?!


Well.... I would dare to say that ... i know why ...

Of course ... maybe i am wrong ... but still ... i think I've meditated a lot on the subject.

Also ... experienced a lot of things.

So ... i would simple say ... that the moment when we realise that the connection with that person ... is not bringing us anything good ... or even worst ... even bad things .... that is the moment when we should really think of ... disconnecting.

Deeply understand the concept.

Accepting all ... as a normal step of life ...



Download the book ”DISCONNECTING

... seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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